Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Obvious Guide to Avoid Sharks

1. don't get in the water! it's that simple really. your chances of getting eaten by a shark are unsurprisingly reduced to zero when your not splashing around in the big blue attracting the attention of a hungry great white.

2. if you do decide to get in the water, which you probably will, you shouldn't go swimming during dawn, dusk, or around any feeding areas. sharks are very active around these times.

3. research your sharks - there are a few hundred species of different sharks, most are claimed to not be dangerous. the main ones you should be peeing your pants about are the great white, the tiger shark, and the bull shark. depending on the water you are swimming in, should be a good enough indicator of what kind of shark will be viewing you how you view a cheeseburger.

4. if you see a shark don't splash or make erratic movements, this will only attract the shark and provide him entertainment before he decides to eat you.try to stay focused on the sharks position and just maybe when he swoops up from the bottom of your legs, you might be fast enough to make a quick dodge to the right.probably not though

5.if you are swimming in a group do not isolate yourself. it is less likely that the shark will attack the group than it will a single weak vulnerable human that decided to swim away from the group for selfish reasons.

                               pic not really related

6. never go into the water without at least a knife on your person, if you don't have a knife holster on your swimming trunks, duck tape that potential lifesaver to your hand. if it drops to the ocean floor there is no getting it back and your little fists are not going to fight off a great white no matter how good you are at boxing games.if you have shark repellent you should obviously have it with you.

7. the only way you are going to avoid a shark attack is by not going in the water at all. if your already in the water and are being followed by a shark you are most likely going to die a pretty painful death. and its all because you thought the ocean was pretty and decided to go for a swim. humans don't belong in the water, hence why we can't breathe underwater. we are land creatures just stay home and swim in your little pool where the risks don't involve losing a leg or an arm.

                                                                   j/k it's safe i promise.